Tournament Archive: 2011

Nosferatu Grand Ball

Malkavian Headquarters

Toreador Bestial

Cape Town Draft


Dragonfire extends from Thursday, August 4th until the following Tuesday (which is a public holiday) but the Thursday, Friday and Monday only have events on during the evening.

Friday Night Social

Standard Constructed Tournament

Rapid Thought Demos


Ventrue Carnival

* VEKN Calendar

Rapid Thought Cape Town

* VEKN Calendar

Tremere Frenzy

* VEKN Calendar

Veiled Sight

Orientation Week Demo Day

Seeing in the New Year

Prize support for 2011 has already been purchased and the baron's black briefcase is relatively full once more. Next year will include re-running both the Cultist and Imperator storyline events since they were quite popular (and I've bought the cards). Tournaments will resume some time in February, so we all have until then to plot and scheme and play social games.

I'll be running demo games for new players during UCT's orientation week, following much the same formula as the demo games at Dragonfire.

Happy hunting!