
Bug Squishing

Tuesday, 20 December 2005

Submitted a bug report to OpenSSH (a quirk in ssh-add) and had it patched (by Darren Tucker, Thanks!) in under two hours. :)

Sleepers, Renfield, Feasts and Farewells

Tuesday, 13 December 2005

Had a fun weekend, although somehow Adrianna and I both contracted colds during the course of it and as a result I've feeling somewhat zombified.

Friday night we headed off to Hectic on Hope to attend The Sleepers' CD release. It's the first time I'd heard a full set and it was pretty cool. The previous time I heard them was at Cool Runnings which has a far inferior sound setup. The evening was tinged with an eerie sadness because it was also a tribute to Carly, their bassist who died of leukemia last month. I left with a CD, which I've listened to at least ten times already. :)

Saturday was the SCA Yule feast. I spent the morning running around buying card sleeves and rings for the mailkits (which we're preparing for the SCA stall at the craftmarket) while Adrianna polished the goblets we'd bought for the gift game. We ended up being somewhat late for the feast as Adrianna decided to repair (thank you!) my garb's neckline and it ending up taking much (much) longer than expected. The feast itself was good. Belladonna were a bit iffy (blerg). The gift game was epic. Jason and Alison took away the two goblets while Adrianna scored an amber necklace and some shiny trim (which I think Jessica brought) and I made off with an awesome Japanese lacquerwork box filled with origami butterflies (thanks Candice!).

Sunday morning I visited Stacey and Andrew for tea to wish them farewell. They're leaving for the northern reaches in a few days time. The afternoon was spent playing Vampire with Kevin and Neil, after which we moved onto a funky little card game called Renfield. It's sort of a cross between Bridge and Poker. You can download for free from the link if you want to try it out. ---- (:commentboxchrono:)