
Plugins & Punishment

27 August 2004

I wrote an X-chat plugin yesterday (in Python) which truncates long nicks so they don't screw up the channel window [1].

Went to Roo's last night to watch The Punisher. It was almost as bad as the Dolph Lungren version.

On the work front I'm busy reorganising code and learning the ins and outs of Python's packaging system.


Why Are Weekends so Tiring? :)

23 August 2004

Current status: Tired but smiley - the problem with good weekends.

Watched Kaena and Bubbahotep at Jason and Colleen's on Friday. Enjoyed both. Kaena was mostly eye-candy but the storyline wasn't bad so much as borrowed (from Hot House by Aldiss and from elsewhere). Bubbahotep was great although I can't believe we watched the entire thing with red and blue interchanged - I'm now downloading mplayer for windows onto my flashdrive so that similar incidents can be avoided in future.

Had an unusually successful bout of errant running on Saturday morning. Picked up Dragonfire mugs for people, fetched LotR risk and bought a felt table cloth for playing card games on. Now I just need clips to secure the felt.

LotR Risk on Saturday night was cool (I particularly enjoyed conquering Minas Tirith with siege engines :). The game did end rather abruptly when I captured the ring. Afterwards we had a quick game of Safari Jack (my continued luck helped Kevin and I to victory).

Saturday night continued at Lara's birthday party. Got a belated birthday present from Neil and Karen (woot!). Eventually left at around 4:30 after a heated discussion of the ethics of colonisation and invasion.

Crawled out of bed to play frisbee on Sunday morning. Went home to shower and then installed Fedora Core 2 with MyrdemInggala. Rushed off to dinner an Diva's and then to the comedy competition at The Armchair Theatre. Vittorio, the comedian we went to see, was definitely the best of the contestants but everyone was outshone by the headline act, Dr Moosa. We might attempt to go watch the next round this coming Sunday (although it'll clash with our regular Sunday night roleplaying so we'll have to see).


Back from the UK

17 August 2004

Well, finally getting settled into my routine. The trip to the UK was pretty cool but also rather exhausting (see travel sketch below). One of my cats has become neurotic in my absence and is pooing all over the house. The one module of Dragonfire that I caught was pretty decent (although I find roleplaying children difficult and I wasn't really up to it).

Have partially caught up on films missed while I was away (I thought Spiderman 2 was excellent despite the poor dialogue, thought Enternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was a good, but very ordinary).

Work is kinda weird at the moment. It's been so long since I've had a daily routine that coming in to work feels eerie and everyone seems busy with their own stuff (as I suppose is to be expected post conference).

Any spare free time is being taken up with work on Sigil. Now that we actually have a game which meets every week we're suddenly finding that there is tons of bits and pieces all of which it would be really nice to have done by the next session. :)


Brief Travel Log

17 August 2004

[5]? ---- (:commentboxchrono:)